Obviously if I’m using something then it belongs to me – right? That’s not quite how it works when it comes to owning property. Regardless of use, you own what your deed says you own. This is an example where a skeet club was clearly using land that they didn’t own,...
Survey Nightmares: No Way In or Out!
Most properties have a plain and simple point of entry and exit. But some properties have no plain and simple point of entry or exit. This can be of concern to the Title and Mortgage Company. Here are 2 examples that demonstrate the concept of ingress/egress, or the...
Survey Nightmares: New Construction That Is Too Big For Its Britches
You would think that with all the decades of experience homebuilders have, and with all the technology that we have at our fingertips that we would be able to know just how big of a house can fit on a lot without “going over”. Apparently, that’s not always the case....
What In The World Is A Lot Split Plat?
A lot split is requested by someone who wants to take an existing lot or lots and create two or more “new” lots, hence “splitting” the lot. What type of property can be split? A residential, commercial or industrial property may be split. This includes property that...
No house on the lot? That’s not what I thought I was purchasing!
To date, Cardinal Surveying & Mapping has performed over 27,500 surveys in the greater St Louis area. Out of all those surveys rarely do we come across something as drastic as what we found last month. Here’s the quick version: A title company contacted us to...
Survey Nightmares: It’s An Obstacle Course Out There
We live in a delusional world. We make false assumptions based off of what we can see. Those assumptions can become obstacles in our futures. However, there’s hope, at least when it comes to knowing what property you do and do not own. Having a boundary survey...
Survey Nightmares: How Is There An Easement Through The Middle Of My House?
From the street – this looks like your typical house on a cul-de-sac lot. But upon further investigation we find that such is not the case at all, and that there is actually an EASEMENT RUNNING THOUGHT THE MIDDLE OF THE HOUSE!!! How in the world does this happen? Here...
Survey Nightmares: Common Ground Myth
The words “common ground” always throws up a red flag to me. While common ground provides more “space” between you and your neighbors, it doesn’t mean that the land is for your private use and benefit. Common ground is typically deeded to subdivision associations and...
What Is A Lot Consolidation Plat?
A lot consolidation is requested by someone who wants to take multiple existing lots and combine them to create fewer “new” lots creating “consolidating” the lots. What type of property can be consolidated? A residential, commercial or industrial property may be...
Lot Split Plat
A lot split is requested by someone who wants to take an existing lot or lots and create two or more “new” lots, hence “splitting” the lot. What type of property can be split? A residential, commercial or industrial property may be split. This includes property that...