There are times when you may need more information than what a standard boundary and improvement survey may show. You may in fact need more than just the property corners marked showing just one point along the property line. We can provide you with as much information as you would like to fit the needs of your project.
Property Lines
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Don’t Use the Utility Box to Build Your Fence!
In residential neighborhoods it’s all too often that we come upon this problem where someone has used that box to build their fence up to.
How can we determine property lines?
If you are getting ready to install a fence or add landscaping, you may be interested in knowing where your property lines are located so that you can ensure that you are staying on your own property. The professional who is most associated with property lines is a...
Surveyor’s Real Property Report FAQ
What is a Surveyors Real Property Report (SRPR): Also known as or commonly known as a “spot survey” or a “mortgage inspection report” Who uses it: Used mainly by Title companies and Mortgage Companies for someone purchasing a property. What type of property can a...