ALTA Survey Table A items Part 1

ALTA Survey Table A items Part 1

One of the unique characteristics of an ALTA survey is the flexibility that it provides for the client. Because this is a much more intensive look at a property, there are many additional items that can be addressed by the survey. The Table A provides a list of 19 standard items that can be added to the plat or map being provided by the surveyor. Here is a list of the first nine of the items provided by Table A. Learn more now!

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Boundary Survey vs an ALTA Survey – Which One Is Needed?

Boundary Survey vs an ALTA Survey – Which One Is Needed?

In the world of surveying there are three main types of classifications of property: residential, commercial, and industrial. Each one of those classifications has its own specific unique characteristics that can be identified as a professional land surveyor performs their field work. Here are a few points to help understand the difference and why they matter that ultimately decides which survey is performed.

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