ALTA Surveys – Surveys on Steroids (Part II)

An ALTA Survey is basically a boundary survey on steroids.  The minimum requirements for boundary surveys in the state of Missouri either meet or exceed the American Land Title Associations (ALTA) national requirements for surveys.  However, ALTAs can be much more in...

How To Read An Elevation Certificate Part 2

An Elevation Certificate (EC) contains a wealth of information regarding a property and its risk of being flooded. The EC is performed by a Professional Land Surveyor or Engineer. This article further discusses the second half of the EC, please refer to the image...

Lifespan Of A Survey

Is it ok to use an old property survey? Shelly Clark of Cardinal Surveying has the info you need about the age of your survey. SRPR, Boundary Surveys, Easements  

Who Is Cardinal Surveying?

Shelly Clark tells us a little about Cardinal Surveying and Mapping and how the team matters to the St. Louis community. Land Surveying Experts, 20,000+ Property Boundary Surveys