Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non fringilla velit. Nulla pellentesque magna sed arcu tristique placerat. Sed diam purus, varius ut elit sed, fringilla maximus diam. Suspendisse dignissim dui eget auctor venenatis. Pellentesque habitant...
Boundary Surveys Q. What is the difference between a “Stake Survey” and a “Boundary Survey”? A. Nothing! “Stake Survey” is a common name for the legal term of “Boundary Survey.” Q. What is a Boundary (stake) survey? A. Survey Services: Boundary Survey Q. What is a...
Videos and Media
Videos and Media {youtube}ebm1ykrapHA{/youtube} {youtube}kEj30qm1Zco{/youtube} {youtube}ce4sP3zxPT4{/youtube}
Boundary Adjustment Plat
Purpose: This is used by someone who wants to “move” or “re-locate” a property line. A boundary adjustment plat is typically required by the municipality or county in which you reside if you are located within a plated subdivision. We perform...
Lot Split Plat
Purpose: This is a survey used by someone who wants to split an existing property (lot or lots) into two or more “new” lots. A Boundary Survey of the original parcel(s) is/are required. We perform Lot Split Plats on the following types of properties: ...
Topographic Map Survey Uses
Also known as a “topo” or “survey with contours.” Who Uses Topographic Surveys: Engineers, Architects and Landscape Architects Grading companies Municipalities FEMA We perform Topographic Surveys on the following types of properties: ...
Property Easements examples
Q. What is the difference between a “Stake Survey” and a “Boundary Survey”? A. Nothing! “Stake Survey” is a common name for the legal term of “Boundary Survey.” Q. What is a Boundary (stake) survey? A. Survey Services: Boundary Survey Q. How can I find my...
St. Charles County Property Database Search St. Louis County Property Viewer City of St. Louis Address & Property Search Lincoln County GIS Jefferson County GIS FEMA –Federal Emergency Management Agency Warren County Assessors Read the FAQ's...
Real Estate Surveyor
Spot Vs Stake - "Why is a survey required?" Get a Cheat Sheet Survey Classes for Realtors Get Available Seminars Survey Work Order Form Get Survey Work Order Form {loadposition residentcontact} Disclaimer: Information provided...