Simple, in order for a professional land surveyor to know which property to survey, research must be performed. There are three main components to a land survey. Learn more here!

Simple, in order for a professional land surveyor to know which property to survey, research must be performed. There are three main components to a land survey. Learn more here!
In the world of surveying there are three main types of classifications of property: residential, commercial, and industrial. Each one of those classifications has its own specific unique characteristics that can be identified as a professional land surveyor performs their field work. Here are a few points to help understand the difference and why they matter that ultimately decides which survey is performed.
Purchasing a home is one of the largest and most important decisions that you were going to make during your lifetime. One of the optional things you have to consider is whether or not you want a survey performed on the property. Don’t underestimate the importance of this step!
You would think that with all the decades of experience homebuilders have, and with all the technology that we have at our fingertips that we would be able to know just how big of a house can fit on a lot without “going over”. Apparently, that’s not always the case.
Can you image how you would feel if you bought a vacant piece of land when you thought you were buying a piece of land with a house on it? I can only imagine the headache this has become for the current owner and neighbor, as well as their lenders.
Owning property can be a complex situation. What you can do with it depends, in part, on where the property line ends and where it is situated. We have broken it down to the most important things to think about when determining what you can do with your property and...
Also known as or commonly known as a “stake survey”, a “lot survey” or “property corner locate” Who uses it: Current owners of a property Potential buyer of a property What type of property can a Boundary be performed on: Single Family Home Duplex, Villa, Condo,...