Legal descriptions are typically found in the deeds that are found in the recorder of deeds office in each county. There are two main types of legal descriptions used today: subdivision reference or a meet’s and bounds description.
The meets and bounds description are typically found in more rural areas where development is minimal. It would reference a section, township, and range and then have a written description as to the location of the land.
A subdivision reference would typically refer to a lot number, a block number, subdivision name and a recorded plat book and page. A copy of the subdivision plat is kept in the recorder of deeds office at the county. That plat is a drawing that clearly labels and identifies all of the property lines for each lot and block within that subdivision and looks like a map with lots of information on it. Most subdivisions start as a meets and bounds description that is made into smaller parcels and instead of creating multiple meets and bounds descriptions a subdivision plat is created to convey the information about the property.