Topographic Survey FAQ

by | Feb 26, 2013 | Uncategorized

Also known as or commonly known as a “topo” or “survey with contours”


  • Engineers, Architects and Landscape Architects
  • Grading companies
  • Municipalities
  • FEMA
  • Residential, Public lands, Commercial or Industrial
  • Purpose of a topographic survey is to determine the grade, or the “highs and lows”, on a piece of property.
  • Assists in understanding the flow of water and drainage on a property.
  • Used to assist in establishing proper grading for construction sites
  • Grade shots are taken at intervals for which both horizontal and vertical data is acquired.
  • Data is then interpreted to create contour lines which show the “highs and lows” on a piece of property.
  • Property boundaries are not necessarily established, but common items such as streets, large trees or structures are noted as points of reference on the drawing.


Disclaimer: Information provided should not be considered legal advice and all buyers, agents, and title companies should consult their attorneys for legal advice.