How Much Does a Boundary Survey or Stake Survey Cost?

by | Sep 17, 2015 | Surveying Related

See Also: Boundary Survey Process and Considerations 

The property boundary survey and “stake” survey are one and the same. The term “boundary” is the legal term to identify that the boundaries of a property will be marked by locating the property corners. The term “stake” is the layman’s term. Typically there are “stakes” put at the property corners but, they are the exact same thing. There are many factors that can contribute to the cost of a boundary survey. Some of the most common are as follows:


  • Lot size. Typically, this is the biggest contributing factor. The larger a lot is, the more time it takes to survey. The amount of time it takes to survey a quarter acre lot is approximately two to four hours. The amount of time it takes to survey a three acre lot is approximately six to eight hours.  Vegetation. If you live in a newly built subdivision and all the lots were cleared when the subdivision was laid out then vegetation probably is not a factor. However, if you live on a three acre lot and two of the acres are heavily wooded, the time that it will take to clear a sight line to get to the back of the property can add several hours to a project.
  • Age of the subdivision. The older a property is, usually the harder it is to survey. It’s much more difficult to find survey monumentation in an area that 100+ years old versus a brand new subdivision where all the survey monuments have recently been set. Survey monuments get knocked out and can be accidently removed over time. The fewer number of survey monuments, the longer time it takes to perform the necessary work to determine the property boundaries.
  • Urban vs. Rural. Most urban lots are smaller in size in comparison to rural properties. However, the bigger contributing factor is the ability to find survey records. In a lot of rural scenarios, large farmland tracts have been in families for generations and frequently are not surveyed. Finding records of past surveys can be challenging in these areas, which takes time and resources to access.

Costs are going to vary from project to project based on the amount of time the professional land surveyor thinks it will take to complete the boundary survey. Typical rates vary from $175 to $250 per hour depending upon the extent of the services provided. The best way to know how much a survey will cost is to contact a professional land surveyor for a quote.