But The Assessor Says So…

But The Assessor Says So…

We have so many resources that are right at our fingertips that it makes it hard not to trust what the Internet is telling you. When it comes to looking at aerial photographs of your property and using tools such as Google and the assessor for the county, I must...

City of St Charles: ARC GIS map

City of St Charles: ARC GIS map This site can be used to obtain information about a property In the search bar at the top left corner, enter the address of the property A label will appear in the lot; click on the arrow on the right side of the box for...
ALTA survey checklist: Point #3 Defined

ALTA survey checklist: Point #3 Defined

This month we continue with a commercial real estate blog series that covers each item in an ALTA survey checklist, otherwise known as TABLE A. We will look at the benefits of each point in detail. An ALTA survey is typically utilized for commercial and industrial...