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Boundary Surveys
What is the difference between a “Stake Survey” and a “Boundary Survey”?
A. Nothing! “Stake Survey” is a common name for the legal term of “Boundary Survey.”
What is a Boundary (stake) survey?
What is a Boundary Dispute?
A Boundary Dispute is a disagreement between neighbors over the rights and/or duties to respect adjacent or nearby property owners and the land associated with the individuals involved. As a result of a dispute one of several legal frameworks include; Adverse Possession, CC&R’s (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions), Easements, Licenses, Nuisances, Trespassing or Zoning violations.
What does the client receive from a Boundary Survey?
The client will have their property corners marked with a survey monument, wood lath, flag & pink spray paint. The client will also receive survey drawings.
How can I find my property corners?
Get a Boundary Survey! The purpose of a boundary survey is to locate the corners. Property lines are established by creating a line between two property corners. Keep in mind, a property line may not always be a straight line between two points; corners are located by surveyors but property lines are and can be determined by the courts.
What is a Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR)?
Why does the Surveyor’s Real Property Report exist?
The SRPR was created at the request of the lending & title industry to show the approximate location of improvements (such as a house) on a lot.
What is a “spot” survey?
It is a slang term used to refer to a SRPR. Most people refer to it as a “spot survey,” but it is not a survey. It is a cursory check for the lender to confirm that there is a house on the lot.
Can I use a Surveyor’s Real Property Report (spot) to build a fence?
No! Surveyor’s Real Property Reports cannot be used to build fences, decks, or other improvements per state statute.
What does the client receive from a Surveyor’s Real Property Report (SRPR)?
We do not mark any corners at the property. The client will receive a survey drawing of what was located.
Survey Related
How much do surveys cost?
Please contact us for a quote today!
– [email protected] | 636.922.1001
– Survey cost is based on:
- The location of the property
- The size of the lot
- The age of the subdivision
- The foliage coverage on the lot
For properties 1/2 acre or less Boundary Surveys start around $375-$750. For a specific quote for your property please complete the Get a Quote form on the homepage or email us at [email protected].
How can I request a survey to be performed on my property?
(View: Boundary Survey Order Form ) Please fill out & sign this form. This form gives us the authorization to be on the property to do the work. Please email the form to us at: [email protected] or fax to 636.922.1002 & we will contact you.
What is the turnaround time to complete a survey?
Completion time varies, but a standard lot takes about a week from start to finish. During busy months (April-September) it may take longer.
How can I pay for my survey?
We accept payment in the form of a check which can be given at the time the field work is being done at your property or it can be mailed to our PO Box address: PO Box 278 Cottleville, MO 63338. Or you can pay via credit card by calling 636-922-1001. Additional fees apply.
What forms do I need?
If you are purchasing a property, please have the title company email us a copy of the title commitment along with a Title & Survey work order form.
What do survey monuments look like?
View PDF: (Monuments)
Flood Zones
How do I know if I am in a flood zone?
Why/how do flood zones move/change?
FEMA evaluates flood sources and reassesses FIRMs on an as needed basis as recommended by the Flood Plain administrator for the county/municipality.
How Do Flood Zones Effect Property?
See our quick guide that discusses flood insurance, flood letter, Elevation Certificates (EC) and Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) and how they affect properties in flood zones. (View More)
Easements and Building Lines
What are Easements and Building Lines?
An easement is a right of the owner of one parcel of land, by reason of such ownership, to use the land of another for a special purpose not inconsistent with a general property in the owner. A building line is an “imaginary” line in which Planning and Zoning has been established. They are typically located set distances from the front, sides and rear of the lot. They are used to assist in keeping homes “centered” on the lots, which aide in creating an aesthetically pleasing subdivision layout. Building lines and easements are typically shown on a survey drawings. ( Learn More )
Adverse Possession
What is Adverse Possession?
Adverse Possession is when a party claims ownership of a property that they do not have legal title to. ( Learn More )